Archive for ‘Misconduct’

April 19, 2010

Karachi administrator goes publicly drunk

(via Jootay Maro)

April 17, 2010

MPs violate security rules at parliament

The city police have requested the National Assembly speaker to ensure that parliamentarians do not take visitors inside the Parliament House without valid entry pass, verification and clearance. When their visitors were checked for entry pass, searched or asked to use other gate, the lawmakers misbehaved with the police personnel.

The police expressed the fear that some of the people going inside the Parliament House violating the rules may pass on information about security arrangements in and around the building and the red zone to militants.

During the joint session of the Parliament and NA session on 18 amendment bill, 43 MNAs and eight senators were found involved in taking unconcerned people inside the Parliament House without proper permit and security clearance.

(via Dawn)

April 17, 2010

MNA toung thrashes a chauffeur

Tongue lashing between a chauffeur and an MNA over a parking place in the parliament ground on Thursday led to the former punching the latter but both agreed to forget the matter.

Police sources said the MNA and the chauffeur of a federal secretary got into a wordy duel jockeying for a place in the parking lot reserved for the members of parliament.

It degenerated into a scuffle when abusive language enraged the chauffeur.

Onlookers, police and government officials among them, rushed to the place to separate and calm them down. Both were persuaded to forgive and forget.

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