Archive for ‘Hereditary Politics’

April 15, 2010

Enter the corrupt, exit men of conscience

By Ansar Abbasi

Detailed reading of the 18th constitutional bill removes life time bar from becoming member of parliament on the convicts of crimes like corruption, misuse of authority, moral turpitude, absconders etc and those even jailed by the court of law for propagating any opinion or acting in any manner prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or the sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan or the integrity or independence of the judiciary of Pakistan or which defames or brings into ridicule the judiciary or the armed forces of Pakistan.

This amendment once done would mean that the party heads like Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Asfandyar Wali, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Altaf Hussain, etc would get unfettered powers to dictate to their members in parliament as to what kind of constitutional amendments they should vote for. This would further the dictatorial rule within the political parties, which under the same 18th Amendment would now be at the liberty to hold intra-party elections. These amendments would turn the parliamentarians, including MNAs and senators into a herd.

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April 10, 2010

No Elections within Political Parties – Hereditary, Fascist & the Rich leaders to rule

Political parties formally open the door to Hereditary, Fascist and Rich people stay as head of the parties.

Where 18th Amendment to the Pakistan’s constitution seems to have resolved the internal power struggle within the branches of the government it has also removed a clause which forced political parties of have internal elections.

A glass ceiling has been laid out for comman party worker so that he or she cannot now go beyond a certain level. Only people with vested interest can now move the upper level of political oligarchy.

It really is a shame. In a country where million live in poverty only the upper class is allowed to rule. This giving the people, the ordinary people of Pakistan the status of Blacks which they had in 30s , 40 and 60s in the United States.

(via TazaKino)