Sialkot PML-N MPA’s son given VIP treatment in custody

Law has soft arm for the rich. Sialkot police just proved it when it pampered PML-N son in lock-up.

MPA Rana Shamim’s son was arrested by military police for unruly behaviour caused by binge drinking, but Sialkot police ensured that he gets no less than VIP treatment in the lock-up. In fact, the investigation officer’s room was emptied and turned into a mini guest house for the stay of the son of a representative of the public.

The military police had arrested Rana Rahim, son of the MPA and brother of MNA Rana Abdus Sattar, last night for unruly behavior while drunk. The Sialkot though registered a case willy-nilly, the accused was provided with all the comfort in the police station.

The accused kept enjoying sound sleep, while the police high-ups had a sleepless night. The accused brother remained in the offices of Gujranwala RPO Ahmed Mubarak and Sialkot DPO Bilal Saddiq Kamyana. The accused was not handcuffed when presented before Magistrate Shafqat Ali. He was granted bail for a bond of Rs 50,000. He has earlier faced similar charges in another case.

Sialkot PML-N MPA’s son given VIP treatment in custody

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