Archive for April 26th, 2011

April 26, 2011

Forgetting poor Pakistanis, Govt to expand coalition


April 26, 2011

Federal Minsters, not beggars

April 26, 2011

Babar Awan’s game

According to a news item, the investigation team which prepared a 500-page report and presented it before the Supreme Court has sought four weeks to probe into the scandal that involves allegation against Mr Babar Awan and a few other of having taken huge amounts of money in the Haris Steel Mill case to secure favourable orders from the Dogar court.

Knowing Babar Awan’s tendency of sewing political pleat with legal thread and vice versa, I am afraid he is going to use the ZAB reference to defame the superior judiciary if he is indicted in this case. His next step could be to unleash Faisal Raza Abidi and Fauzia Wahab on TV talk shows.

Dr Ghayur Ayub.

Awan’s game

April 26, 2011

Political parties or private companies?

OUR mainstream political parties are like private limited companies which are owned by families. The party chief can fire any member of the party who he thinks is not following his orders.

If one wants to thrive in a political party, he must prove his loyalty to his boss by becoming his mouthpiece. He must praise the party chief day and night, consider his happiness as his own and have the ability to do anything that pleases the boss without bothering about the moral values.

He must posses the quality to come closer to the party chief. He should not have any ego or self-respect to disagree on any matter with his party chief. He must become eyes and ears of his boss. He must project his boss as an outstanding leader and a statesman.

Owing to this culture educated people with some self-respect, integrity and conscience never joins these parties. The party chief will use taxpayers’ money ruthlessly for building his personal image when in power. As long as political parties are depending on one person to be all in all, then there is hardly any possibility that in future democracy will be established in the country.

Political parties or private companies? | Newspaper | DAWN.COM